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What participants have to say about the 5-Week Mindfulness Program

Manisha Bisen (Doctor, Dental Surgeon)

"If you want peace, calm and emotional balance, you need to meditate," this is what we have all known for years. But what meditation means, how it can help anyone be a better version of themselves, this practical approach nobody tells. I have seen myself gradually improving with each passing week in this program.
This journey wasn't a drastic change; it was a gradual change in which you observe changes within you, and it's a different level of satisfaction. My perspective towards my relationship, work, and most importantly, my thoughts have changed. Best gift I have given to myself by honestly practicing and engaging in the program throughout.

Huma Akhtar (Assistant Commissioner, State Government)

I am very good at managing things in my professional life but felt not in other areas in my life. This program has helped me with tools that gave me direction to build a healthy mind.

I must say, I now free myself from all uninvited worries. I now get less irritated and less affected by people. I learned how to manage my thoughts, and thus my emotions, and so my actions. And now it's a bit easier for me to focus on things at hand rather than worrying about other things. I am keeping my mind calm and experiencing peace.

Madhura Pade (Doctor)

I was clueless initially and thought I knew what mindfulness is, but to my surprise, it was altogether a different and transformative experience. You will look at things with a different, more self-loving attitude. I got to know about this course from a friend. Before joining, I checked out the FAQs and watched the YouTube videos they mentioned. To be honest, I didn't understand anything at first, not even their name – Shepherds in Mumbai. I thought it was just another course trying to teach us how to achieve some kind of unrealistic zen mode.

However, this program is beyond simple explanations. You truly have to experience it yourself. The changes it brings to your life make things easier, one day at a time. Expecting a complete transformation of life after the program may seem unrealistic, but consistently putting in the work every day does make things easier.

Shweta Nair (Psychologist)

This program is designed with perfection and with experience-based learning. It has helped me find and understand myself better, which significantly boosted my confidence in myself. I inculcated patience, got the ability to manage my thoughts and actions, and most importantly, am now aware of everything in and out (wholly rather than superficially).

Areeb Qazi (IT professional) 

Mindfulness has given me a powerful tool to tackle challenges I have in my life. I stay calm and let go of things that bother me from the past or future. My sleep issue has vanished, and I am experiencing peace, which is the real transformation.

My perspective on life and how to deal with problems has completely changed. This program helped me understand how the mind works, leading to a better understanding of myself and others. It has also been beneficial in addressing my own personal issues.

I have tried various treatments and joined several programs to deal with certain issues, thinking they would solve everything, but they would often recur as usual. Now, I have discovered what was missing, and I see the difference. I know I will continue to improve, and all it takes is practice. There were certain areas I believed could never change, yet now I can't even believe they've started to transform.

I have learned to slow down, appreciate the little things, and cultivate gratitude.

The 5-week journey provided me with a clear view of life, which I thought I already knew. However, I had no idea that my previous understanding was merely blurred. Now, I can comprehend everything that lies between the lines, the wisdom passed down on living peacefully and dealing with our problems.

Dr. Suniti Kedia (MBBS Doctor )

I never knew I’d get an aspect so powerful and impactful in a few weeks. It changes your perception of life and brings about so much ease. A lot of my problems I had to deal with have become so much easier, and I have learned to be so good to myself that I feel stronger. Feel like there’s nothing I can’t do.  It’s a wonderful feeling, knowing what you know once you do Mindfulness. I thank the facilitator for teaching us so patiently, lovingly, and for making it so much fun.

Sabera Kamarali (CA, Senior Manager)

I can now unlock the present in today simply by being in the present. There were a few things that earlier I could not enjoy, but after this program, I now enjoy being in the present without becoming anxious. It was a worthwhile investment of time.

Francesca Rangel (Customer Service Executive - Logistics)

I am now connected with my inner self on a physical, mental, spiritual, and psychological level in ways I never thought possible. I have experienced feelings, emotions, thoughts, and sensations, which have altered how I truly see myself.
It has guided me with remarkable clarity on setting realistic expectations concerning situations and people, maturely accepting things the way they are, and being at peace with them.  Now I can respond to difficult situations and people with the choice of being Non-Striving and Non-Judgemental rather than reacting automatically.

Rehana ShaukatAli  (Homemaker)

By the 5th week, it was a complete makeover of me, a new me, who is not a preacher but simply a player of a game called Life. I used to think the world around me and people around me needed to change; I realized what was important to me was not others changing, but what was to change was me and my thoughts. Now, there is no nagging, crying, depression, and stress; everything is handled so easily.

Aparna Nichanametla (Life Coach and Counselor)

It is not a program,  But a journey to our inner self. A safe platform that allows us to peep into ourselves and explore the undiscovered SELF. It is for anyone who wants to understand themselves beyond cognition to transform life.

Humaira Baig (Teacher) 

What an amazing experience it was!!!. I had many doubts about the program, but it all faded away in the first hour of the program. The facilitator had helped me to overcome many blockages in my thinking process. I just can't express what changes I can feel today.

Snehalata Athaide (Counselor)

This program has helped me, be with me, with compassion, in peace, and joy. There is a shift in the way I talk, at work, in my actions, in my relationships, enjoying each moment as it comes, facing challenges by being cool as I can. Whatever I have learned will stay with me; a miracle has just begun.

Rutuja Meshram (MBBS, Doctor)

I saw positive results by practicing mindfulness, and people around me also started noticing it. I am more calm and relaxed no matter what's going out in the outside world. My life has progressed into peace and self-love, now focusing better, and sleep quality has improved. I am ready to explore life the way it comes and enjoy all the amazing moments by being present to them.

Shirin Khokhawala (Homemaker)

Words would fall short for describing the benefits of this program; It was a mind-opening course. It gave me awareness; I have become more accepting and self-compassionate.

Leonie D'mello (Counsellor and Behavioural Trainer)

The hands-on experience facilitated by the diligence and patience of the Shepherds in Mumbai team reinforced a lot of things for me. My biggest takeaway is I have learned to just 'BE'.

Surabhi Tamang. (Masters of Science Student)

Life-Changing Program, I see life now with a different perspective that is so positive. The program has helped me manage my problems, emotions, and thoughts, which have further balanced everything in my life.

Dr. Poonam (MBBS)

This mindfulness program helped me to take a 360-degree turn in my life. I used to feel that I robotically do things, but now I am more aware and observe myself. I still get carried away, but now I am aware of how I am reacting and immediately come back on track.

Naaz Parveen (Founder, School)

This program opens the mind and the heart. Thoroughly Enjoyed. I learned to express my feelings and emotions without any hesitation.

Nency Rachh (Psychology Student)

Earlier I was scared to look so deep inside myself. Later I understood that life is not butterflies and flowers and the insights I got from the program is how to deal with thorns and storms. I came to peace with some facts, and it helped me grow in different ways.

Prachi Nawale (Cloud Architect)

A transformational journey. Now I have great awareness of myself, my thoughts, emotions, feelings, and responses. My perspective towards life has changed. I can focus better and manage myself better.

Imama Dalvi (Doctor) 

This program brought a positive outlook. I am extremely grateful to the faculty for making Mindfulness concepts beneficial and explaining simply with simple activities and tasks, and giving an ear to every individual in a heterogeneous group.

Samir Bakkal (Entrepreneur)

I was clueless initially and thought I knew what mindfulness is, but to my surprise, it was altogether a different and transformative experience. You will look at things with a different, more self-loving attitude. These five weeks were full of fun, engaging, self-care, and transformative learning.

Dr. Jabeen Basade (Life Coach - ICF ACC)

Mindfulness has brought in a new dimension to experience life, caused a greater level of Acceptance, and immensely helpful in letting go. With ongoing practice, I feel more calm, relaxed, and focused on one task at hand that is producing quality work.

Ajay (Entrepreneur, IT Professional)

It has been a thrilling journey over the last few weekends. Mindfulness has given a new meaning towards life while interacting with kids, spouses, parents, friends & the entire world.

The entire courseware was designed and delivered very smoothly, making sure each one of us understood the concepts well so that cultivating these concepts into daily life becomes easy and helpful. Tools and techniques that were made familiar to us have been of great help in dealing with stress & anxiety.

The examples used and the homework assignment was helpful to practice these techniques & cultivating into good habits, for peaceful and mindful living. I am surely going to recommend these sessions to my friends and colleagues so that it benefits maximum and needful people.

It was indeed a transformative learning journey!

Smita Pal (MBA, Finance Executive)

When I heard about this program, I was unsure as to how this will change my behavior?. This program gave me all the tools to be in the present moment and enjoy even the small things happening in life. I am able to manage my thoughts even in the worst situation, this is such a joyful experience. Tremendous effort team Shepherds In Mumbai, I will surely incorporate in my daily routine what I have learned.

Dr. Sadiyah Shaikh (MBBS Doctor)

The 5-week mindfulness program was an amazing opportunity to introspect in my life. The ability to separate oneself from our thoughts has made me a person who can choose instead of being caught up in my emotions. This program has given me many tools to deal with any situation in my life,  and that empowers me to be who I want to be.

I love how this program makes you ‘practice’ mindfulness instead of just being theoretical.  I would recommend this to everyone because almost everyone goes through life without being aware of most of the things happening to and around them.  I thank the coaches for being there for me every step of the way and opening up wonders for me.

Uma Murthy (Scientist)

Not just a relaxation of body and calmness of mind, I learned healthy eating, judge less, and become process-oriented. Mindfulness Program is highly recommended if you want to be aware of your thoughts, be kind and accept yourself. Even after a month, I feel its positive effects.

Rabia Begum (Homemaker)

I was introduced to this program when needed the most. I am now able to bring my mind to the task swiftly if it wanders. This program helped me gain more focus, get more clarity, and live a more balanced & realistic life.

Dr. Sreyashi Rath (Physiotherapist)

It was a very beneficial and valuable program; I got great results and now am more focused and keep a positive attitude. I try to live in the present and get a clear picture of many things in my life. Now I better manage my emotions, thoughts, myself with self-compassion and relations. Dealing with barriers in life has become a little easy

Varinder Sharma (Cloud Security Manager)

I was skeptical about this program before I enrolled, as I had already attended long multi-day/multi-week meditation retreats. I was wrong in my assumptions; this program helped me get a different level of insights in every session that brought clarity to me.
Learnings I acquired through practice are helping me in day-to-day tasks; now, I am consciously inculcating mindfulness in every part of life.

Bushra Shad (Lawyer & Partner)

This mindfulness program came at a very right time. I was looking for clarity, found it, and realized where I was going wrong. The facilitator is exceptionally patient and helps clarify all our doubts. I wish "Shepherds In Mumbai" a great success.

Sunita (Homemaker)

Innovative and very Different. I learned how to live life to the fullest in a simple way. How to look inwards and manage a range of emotions, now all problems look different and manageable. Realized that we are the creator of 99% of problems, it was not easy to internalize this, but mindfulness helped.
Also, I liked that there was no discussion of gods, religion, caste, or sitting for long hours. We are left to explore that on our own based on the faith we belong to.

Vardhaman Jain (Market Risk Analyst)

A very positive and enriching experience.  Getting this knowledge is like being handed over an Axe to cut through your barriers in life.

Assistant Manager Marketing

When I enrolled, I was a bit skeptical about the course content religion-wise, but every week session along with practice has helped me to practice my religion better. Tools I learned, helping me manage emotions in panic situations. Being mindful in doing daily activities has helped me to increase productivity.

Krupali Parmar (HR Executive)

It was like a magical gift and transformative learning journey that will help throughout my whole life.  It helped me decrease my anger and grow as intellect. This program was beyond my expectations, taught me to live a meaningful life, to understand others, and maintain good relationships.

Rafik Sayed (Associate Manager)

Five powerpack weeks of this mindfulness program. Each unique in its way. It helped guide us towards an emotionally strong person, at the same time unleashing the power within you. This program has given me a whole new dimension to the way I use to see the world around me. I am NOW aware of the things happening with me, physically and mentally. I now know, what and where to look to settle the small wind in me down which had the potential to create a tornado.

Mindfulness Teachers of "Shepherds in Mumbai" have has emerged as the great facilitator, with simplicity by their side on top of passion and professionalism. The program is tailored in a way that each fundamental would be crystal clear to even an amateur person and would help to transform lives. I highly recommend this 5-week mindfulness program to people who want to explore the hidden serenity within them in this hustle and bustle of city life. I congratulate "Shepherds in Mumbai" team for all the efforts that they have put to complete this transformation experience, a success.

Shubham Arora (Senior IT Professional)

An Insightful and Useful Program. The facilitator was easy to listen to and follow. It became effortless for me to incorporate Mindfulness Practice into my daily routine; I am kind to myself now.

Susama Adhikari (Final Year Post-Graduate Student)

This program had a great impact on my thinking, understanding of other perspectives, and the most important that automatic thoughts are just automatic thoughts.

I learned how to calm myself,  how to let go of my past with ease, way to tackle my problems, and importantly helped me to reduce frustration and manage my anger more appropriately.

 Gazelle Khan (Life Coach)

One of the powerful transformational training I ever attended. Mindfulness was a discovery in my life. This five-weeks mindfulness program, very meticulously & beautifully designed. Everything was presented in such a simple and doable way. Gratitude to facilitators and blessings for adding value in my life, it is priceless.

Mukesh Pal (DevOps, IT Professional)

It changed my perception of life. I learned the idea of how to get rid of all sufferings and live a happy life.  Learned an effective way of dealing with anxiety, mind chattering, difficulties in falling asleep. Inculcating techniques learned made me function better in terms of professionally, socially, and in almost all walks of life.

Heena Sayed (Professor at Mumbai University)

It gives you freedom from the self-created obstacles of the mind. It was an amazing experience, and the methodology used is pretty incredible.

Jainish Shah (Chartered Accountant, Manager)

I liked the design of this program, which makes it very interesting to me as a participant. Things I never paid attention to before, I pay now. During a stressful situation, I now manage my response well.

I feel less anxious and feel like I've got some tools that will help me in my life. I loved the facilitator's enthusiasm, and I highly recommend this to everyone.

Fariah Saad (Homemaker)

I have no words, this program is a way to see the complicated life with all ups and downs in a positive way and how to inculcate these healthy ways in our day to day life. Doing this program was a life-changing experience for me to see life in a simple manner.

I now know how to manage negative thoughts, unmet expectations, an unpleasant moment in the best of the ways. It is helping me to relax and not be anxious and perform at my best. THE LIST IS QUITE BIG

The best part of all these learning and this program was the Handouts that were given to me every week, to complete it and keep implementing it in daily life which was also discussed in later sessions.

Charles Derber (Life Coach, Community Contributor, IT Professional)

I cannot express in words how deep insight and awareness I have got out of this program, it’s all about the experience. I knew about the automatic thoughts earlier, but this program took deeper so that I could experience, relate, and feel.

The assignments like videos, poems were just great and gave practical experience.  It has also helped me overcome my stress, sleep issues, suffering which I understand better now what it is all about. It’s like a treasure one can have which is more precious than worldly things like gold or diamond because after all happiness, joy, and peace is important and you get to experience it.

The interactive sessions were full of wisdom, complex concepts were explained in a way that even a layman could understand. The powerful questions & going deep in it helps introspect within and gives breakthrough experience.

It has helped me to see things much clearer in relationship, career, nature, or whatever come across, it also helped me in several unpleasant situations during this 5-week program as I was getting aware of what was happening within me. I was able to overcome in a few cases, but I am sure if I continue practicing or being aware it may turn into a behavior.

I thank the "Shepherds in Mumbai" team for helping me discover and experience it. I highly recommend anyone to experience this and get enlightened about this awesome experience.

Sayed Mubashshara (Software Developer)

It's priceless. I learned to tackle the worst situations of life with ease. It changed my life's pattern from sleeping, eating to every little task of the day. I can't express everything in words, it's all about experiencing. I got a breakthrough in different situations of life.

Sheetal (Ex-Trainer, Homemaker)

I learned so much from this program. I gained a new awareness of thoughts & body sensations and found a new way of how to manage that.

The instructor was very inspiring. I thank "Shepherds in Mumbai" for all your efforts & giving me the mindful experience.

Yasmeen (Homemaker)

I used to time-travel and indulge in my past thoughts, leaving me in an aggressive mood, that led to several domino effects. I missed all the fun and happiness and then used to blame others for the ill effects of these mood swings. I never felt gratitude about the wonderful moments I had.

‘5-Week Mindfulness Program’ was the first such program ever I have attended, and the results were amazing. It gave me a reason behind my behavior and provided me the tools and a placeholder to define it. This me, 2.0, now knows the formula to be in the present and control of my thoughts all the time. I pull myself out of a painful and depressed state by embracing self-compassion and holding gratitude towards.

"Shepherds in Mumbai" team have put great efforts to bring together best-in-class course materials, to leverage its benefits. I suggest everyone experience this transformation and unwind a beautiful way of living.

Manish Kaushik (Student, IT Professional)

Getting in touch with my breathing and my body through Mindfulness gave me an immediate sense of peace and calm in all the chaos of daily life. When I feel anxiety or stress pushing its way into my mind and body, I recognize it more quickly, and this program has given me tools to combat it.

Mindfulness has helped me find a good sense of balance and renewed energy that I desperately needed at this time in my life. Also, this helped me to feel calmer, more focused, changing my life, and I will make this a routine for myself.

Rukaiyah Shaikh (Special Education Teacher - Autism Spectrum Disorders)

My eyes were blindfolded with my own delusion as soon as I learned mindfulness, I entered an extremely new world full of opportunities to grow from within. I learned to not to control things and rather ponder upon by being aware of my present situations. I learned that making others responsible for my behavior will not make any sense; rather I should give myself some quality time to analyze my better me.

I got out of the trap of my judgments and fake assumptions. Transformed life to the easiest way to live. I realized that I had made my life very complicated. It is actually very easy to live life and enjoy the present moments. I noticed a change in my perspective and developed a healthy relationship with others and most importantly with my own self.

Alka (Homemaker)

Wonderful experience. The tools, techniques, assignments were amazing and very helpful. The program was well-organized to cover all the concepts with real-life examples. I will practice techniques learned to lead a better life ahead.

Nazir Shaikh (IT Professional, Career Consultant, Social Worker, Educator)

Awareness & consciously being in the present moment has never happened before; It is helping in maintaining much more strong relations than before. I started practicing Mindfulness in my life and have become a better listener. Overall It was a wonderful experience.

Avni Pandit (Admin & Counselor)

I can't even explain it in words. It is truly a life-changing experience. Practicing mindfulness has helped me to look at things differently and have changed me for good. I am now much more aware of my thoughts and enjoying my life.

Shaheda  Basha (IT Professional, Social Worker, Mother)

I’ve learned the importance of breathing with awareness, and to return to being mode with kindness and being aware of judgments. I’ve learned how to be mindful in stressful situations and give myself a break. I now know I have a choice on how much ‘stress’ I take on me.

Everything which was delivered was easy to understand and digest. All the sessions, assignments were designed to its best. The group support was amazing.  Thank you for a fabulous program and for helping me get back on track!

Vikas Pal (Cloud Architect at Publishing and Technology Organization)

Before attending this program, I was not aware of the term Mindfulness. It was great to understand and explore new aspects of human life that now seems very important to lead a life without much stress and anxiety.

Being mindful is helping me make my relationships much better with my near and dear ones. Tools learned gives relief to both mind and body. It was a wonderful experience and will surely benefit me in the long run.

Yasmin (Fashion Designer)

You have made meditation so easy for me, I always used to feel it's difficult, but now I know how easy and magical meditation can be.  I have gained control over situations by being aware of my automatic thoughts.

Not that life has changed, and not that I have full control over it, but with mindfulness, I have learned how to surf on the waves. It's not like I will not fall, but I will certainly stand up quickly with the tools I learned in this program. Mindfulness is helping me to be compassionate with myself.

Cyril Thomas (IT Professional)

Thanks for introducing me to the world of Mindfulness. I learned how to manage life Challenges and Unknowns. I am sure I have something now to face the uncertainty with tools and learnings acquired. How much a single breath means, I came to know now, and how it opens the door to all possibilities.

Juned Memon (SAP Consultant, IT Professional)

This training has given me the tools that I needed to change some of my habits that I believed I might not be able to change. I feel more calm and relaxed while doing any work. My wife says, now I listen to her with more attention :D

Vikas Kaushik (Undergraduate Student)

It was a wonderful experience, never experienced something like this. This program has helped me feel calmer, be more mindful, think more clearly, and be in the present.  I can make better decisions now.

Ruksana Sheikh (Homemaker, Social Worker & Educator)

I had a lot of expectations from this program, and all my expectations met. Whatever I do now, I try to be mindful. I won't say I am completely transformed but on the way. I know now Automatic Pilot mode, and how to be in the present moment. This program has also made me ponder upon relations with my close ones, and also how to make them strong.

My mindfulness teacher has put tremendous effort. She not only guided us but made sure we get 100% out of this program. I will surely be practicing what I have learned to make a better version of myself.

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