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The Answers You Need

What is Mindfulness?

Here are some of the YouTube videos on mindfulness that are very easy to understand. Praises belong to the channel and creator of these videos.


What are the topics covered in this 5-week Mindfulness program?

Topics covered are around below themes;

  • Week 01: Automatic Pilot (Mindlessness)

  • Week 02: Dealing with Barriers

  • Week 03: Thoughts are just thoughts, mostly not facts

  • Week 04: How Can I Best Take Care of Myself

  • Week 05: Happy Relationship and ‘Maintaining & extending new learning’


The content of this program is mostly from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Also inspiration from MBSR and MBCT.

This program is suited for whom?

For following;

  • Those looking to apply mindfulness to daily life. Beginners & those with experience in meditation and mindfulness

  • Those who are keen to learn more about mindfulness, but don't know exactly what it is and how to practice it

  • Those who are willing to have a good go at trying out the various mindfulness exercises before judging if they’ll work for you

  • Those who are interested in many different applications of mindfulness

  • Those who are not afraid of a bit of mindfulness meditation

Is there any pre-requisite?

No. No previous experience is needed.

What are the fees for this program?

Rs. 2,500/- Only. We are keeping it affordable so that anyone can experience and benefit from Mindfulness.

What can we expect in each session?


  • Theory

  • Group Discussion

  • Meditation

  • Assignments

Do we have any research supporting the positive impact of the 5-Session Mindfulness program on health & well-being?

Yes, hundreds of them, if not thousands. Some you can find here & here, more here and you can use google to find furthermore. In-fact, there is a study that shows even a single mindful session can produce tangible benefits, look at here.

How often do you conduct this 5-week mindfulness program?

We have batches (online) every month. Sometimes two in a month, sometimes one in a month, and sometimes one in two months.

How do we register for upcoming batches?

Click on "Register & Pay" at this link.

What's the timing and duration of this program?

Over the weekend (either only Saturdays or only Sundays), for 5-weeks. Each session is of 4 hours, one session every week. Morning batches are from 7 AM to 12.30 PM, and Afternoon batches are from 2 PM to 7.30 PM.

Assuming this for Men & Women Both?

Yes, but we do also have women-only batches.

What would be the facilitator's Language?

Mostly Hindi

Which online platform are you using to deliver these sessions?

Google Meet

What would be the class’s size?

Between 6-to-16 (for online and also for in-person)

Will there be any home assignment?

Outside of the sessions, participants are required to engage in the formal practice for a minimum of 45 minutes each day. Also, an informal practice involving moment to moment monitoring of internal and external happenings is required. This commitment is necessary and gives participants the best chance of bringing enhanced well-being in daily life.

Will there be any break in session?

There will be a 15 min break during the session.

Is it okay if I miss some weeks in between and attend missed once in later batches?.

No. As each session builds on the previous one.

What if I miss any session?

We encourage you to plan so that you don't miss any sessions. But if that happens, and you inform us in advance, then you can attend the remaining sessions in the future batch (within 30 days from your enrolled batch's last day, based on schedule and availability).
If you don't inform in advance and want to join a future batch, we will consider you are joining for a second time, and discounted fees will not be applicable. See relevant Q&A later in this FAQ.

Will we get any handouts?


The session starts in the early morning, so at what time should we log in?

At-least 5 min before the session start time, the delay is not encouraged.

What to keep ready for the sessions?


  • Good internet connection on your laptop or phone with WebCam, Mic, Speaker.

  • A dedicated room where no one should disturb you for at least 4 hours

  • Comfortable clothing is recommended 

  • Mats, cushions & blankets

  • Chairs/Stools and place to lie down

Do I need to turn on WebCam?

We encourage that but leave it up to you. Being seen over the webcam does limit unwanted multi-tasking and reduces possible distractions. It might help in taking the best out of the program.

Can we bring kids/infants or any other family member to join us during the session?

Strictly NO. Let not your small/young kid accompany you during the program, as it will cause a distraction. Do work with your family/relatives for necessary arrangements.

Will we get a Certificate?

You will get a program completion certificate if you complete at least 70% of all formal & informal practices. If not, then program participation's certificate.

Who are the facilitators for this 5-week Mindfulness Program?

We have a pool of facilitators, and the list will grow. They have years of experience in practicing Mindfulness and have learned to teach in a structured and professional manner from world-renowned mindfulness teachers.

They are Certified Mindfulness Teacher from the program that was accredited by a recognized international body. Some have contributed to the book on Mindfulness that got internationally released, and some are also accredited Life Coaches.

Will I be able to teach Mindfulness to others after attending this program?

No. It doesn't mean that you can't use what you will learn through this program in your work or discuss/share it with family or friends. It's like you are not qualified or certified to teach mindfulness to others or have not gone through such rigorous training and practice.

Will we be notified of any changes in the schedule?

The facilitator (or Organizer), may in its discretion cancel or modify the schedule of the program. All participants with seats confirmed will be notified.

Does filling the registration form guarantee a seat?

No. Once we receive your registration, we will reach out if your seat is confirmed or if we require further discussion. Filling out the registration form doesn't guarantee a seat. We try our best to allocate seats as soon as we get your registration. In some cases (the reason for attending is different from the aim of the program, other reasons), we may take time to revert as late as seven days before the program starts.

Will there be any discussion from a religious perspective?

No. Mindfulness addresses some universal features of the human experience. It is not surprising that the essence of mindfulness practice can be found in all of the world’s contemplative wisdom traditions. Many participants might want to reconnect to their own faith tradition through the practice of mindfulness.

I assume mindfulness provides relaxation, is this true?

It's a common misunderstanding that if you are doing mindfulness meditation "right", then the experience will necessarily be calm and peaceful. In the beginning, it can seem like the opposite is happening, and things may feel more chaotic than normal. This is actually a sign that you are beginning to pay closer attention to inner experience, which is central to mindfulness meditation.

I have a medical issue. What should I do?

Do prefer not to attend. Otherwise, discuss with your family doctor. We will also send an INFORMED CONSENT AGREEMENT along with the Registration form when you reach out.

Do you also have options for a 1-to-1 batch instead of a group, with flexible timings?

Yes, do reach out for fee details and discussion. There are pros and cons of learning Mindfulness one-to-one in comparison with the group.

Do you also record the session?.

No, we believe there is enough material available on the internet for free on the subject. For example

Why is this program PAID, but not free as it benefits society at large?

This program requires a commitment to get the best out of it (you can talk to ex-participants to understand more, their details are in testimonial link). Paying for any program makes participants immediately accountable and gives them a little push when procrastination or laziness kicks-in (or situations for possible excuse). This program is interactive, starts early morning, runs for 4 hours, and some home assignments, so accountability on the participant's side plays an important role.

Can I attend once again, even after completing one complete batch (all five sessions)?

We do accommodate in other (or future) batches if one misses any sessions. We have kept our fees very affordable, so most can learn, experience mindfulness, and benefit from it. The actual cost of this 5-week program is Rs. 15000/- but we have kept Rs. 2500/- for people to experience this program once, and almost everyone takes the best from it. If anyone wants to attend one more time due to any reason, they need to pay Rs. 15000/- instead of the discounted price of Rs. 2500. Note that there is also an option for the 1-to-1 sessions to explore instead of attending the group batch one more time.

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